
Immune System ‘REMEMBERS’ To Fight Off CORONAVIRUS For At Least 6 Months: Study

 People may be able to fight off reinfection for at least six months after they recover from COVID-19, thanks to cells that can “remember” the virus, according to research published Monday. Researchers in the United States and Switzerland studied dozens of people who had recovered from COVID-19 and found that, while their antibodies may fade over time, they maintained levels of specific memory B cells. These cells can remember the pathogen and can, if faced with reinfection,prompt the immune system to reinitiate the production of virus-fighting antibodies. “Memory responses are responsible for protection from reinfection and are essential for effective vaccination,” concluded the study published in the journal Nature. “The observation that memory B cell responses do not decay after 6.2 months, but instead continue to evolve, is strongly suggestive that individuals who are infected with SARS-CoV-2 could mount a rapid and effective response to the virus upon re-exposure" The authors...

"COVID tongue" Has Been Identified As A New Coronavirus Symptom ,As Per Experts

  According to an epidemiologist at King’s College London, Professor Tim Spector, one of the unusual warning signs of COVID-19 may be developing in the mouth. He claims to be seeing an increase in the number of COVID patients suffering with uncomfortable symptoms in their mouth, such as coated tongue or 'COVID tongue' as he calls it. Professor Spector, also a lead scientist on the Zoe Covid Symptom Study App, tweeted about the 'strange symptom' saying, "One in five people with Covid still present with less common symptoms that don't get on the official PHE list - such as skin rashes." Apart from that, he also claims observing increasing numbers of Covid tongues and strange mouth ulcers in COVID-19 patients. That said, Spector also included an image of a patient with Covid tongue, showing white patches all over the tongue. COVID tongue can cause patches and ulcers all across your mouth. Though the tongue gets back to normal in a week's time. But if you ...